Sunday, September 21, 2008

the bones

well, if you've ever wondered what the skeleton of a 90+ year old bathroom looks like... here you go. after much destruction and removal, this is what the bathroom looks like this morning. there is a toilet in the bottom right corner that you can't see. the tub will go back in the top left corner, and the pedestal sink in the bottom left. you'll just have to imagine it for now!
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Gramma / PopPop Schneider said...

my,my,my! Building houses sure have changed since 90 years ago. Good Luck Phil - git R done!

Nanny said... does resemble a skeleton.
But just think how great it will be when you get finished. Hang in there you 3 (oops 4) and keep your eye on the prize. Love and miss you all. XOXOXXOXO