Wednesday, September 17, 2008

drumroll please...

... we just got back from the ultrasound! and sure enough, we're having a baby! all went well, though honestly the whole 3D hype is a teensy bit overrated. the tech said they only get a good picture of the face about 10% of the time. sure enough, he tried his hardest on this baby and couldn't get much of a cute picture. what picture he did get looked alot like Sloth from The Goonies, so i am not so convinced of this new fangled technology! unless of course our baby does actually look like that (oh dear.) and then i suppose i'll eat my words. but all looked great and as we suspected before, this baby is definately bigger than isa was at the same stage. maybe we should just call it "biggun" from now on, as it's measuring at about the 75th percentile!

and now, for what most of you have been waiting for... the revelation of the sex... you'll have to click on the comments to see it! remember, not everyone wants to know, so you can comment away on this post, but try not to give it away down the road, would ya ;-)


Nanny said...

Hope you can get the pic loaded.
You know I am thrilled about the whole thing...XOXOXO to all.

Isabel Aven and Sylvia Harper said...

it's a GIRL!

it was quite obvious this time around... so no more guessing. well, i mean, it could be wrong, but i'd be shocked if it weren't more pink this time around!

so there you have it, goosey gets a sister!

Frogs Mom said...

Oh a girl! Think of all of the money you'll save on clothes! Err. Right?

Floaterie said...

YAY!! Congrats to the Goosey girl and her gosling sister!

Hope you are all well!

ANd I am still keeping my eye out around these parts.....;-)

Lynnie said...

Hooray!!!!! Girls rock! But sisters rock even more!