Saturday, September 27, 2008

a new trike!

gotta love some yard sales-- nothing like getting a $100 kettler tricycle for $5. and so it was this morning, several friends were having yard sales so we decided to venture out for a little morning activity. and it was a good morning for that apparently! isa is very excited about her new trike and is even figuring out the peddles. she's also learning lots of other new tricks... like standing on the seat, putting her feet up on the handlebars, and of course loading and unloading the little bucket on the back. hours of fun, i tell ya... or atleast we hope so!

so now that we've had our fun for the weekend, it's back to work. ho hum. the drywall will go up on the bathroom ceiling, as will the primer and paint on the walls. after that, hopefully the new tile, toilet, sink, and medicine cabinet. and after that? it will be DONE. granted, all of this won't get done before monday morning, but there will atleast be two solid days of work and hopefully alot of good progress. here's hopin' huh?
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Gramma / PopPop Schneider said...

Boy does she look proud as she can be ! A new trike ! WOW looks nice on ya ISA ! Loved the pics; good luck with your remodeling; sounds like you are humming right along! xoxo

Nanny said...

SUCH A DEAL!!!!!!!!! Go Goosey.
My bet is you will be peddling down the sidewalk by next weekend.
Hope the snow holds off long enough for you to enjoy your new "ride". XOXOXOXO Love and miss you all.

Mimi said...

Cute, cute, cute! Isa looks a little dare devilish! Can't wait to see video of her pedaling once she figures it out. Give Isa a big kiss and hug from us! Bub & Queen