Friday, September 5, 2008

el invierno...

we're back home and glad to be settling back into the (somewhat) normal routine. by normal i mean not-so-normal really. phil is gone for the weekend, at his crazy bike race... wish him lots of luck! we love you daddy!

isa and i are laying low at home, fighting colds that we picked up somewhere between here and georgia. it was to be expected, i suppose, as traveling with a toddler almost always ensures that someone will get sick by trip's end. apparently there is just not enough hand washing in the world to ward off all the germies.

we got home (at 2am. ugh.) and noticed that it sure did seem chilly out. and it was. about 36F chilly! it's official... summer is over! the basil froze while we were gone, so i guess that means we'd better get to some pesto making before we lose any more of it. speaking of cold weather, our lovely babysitter informed us this morning that it's supposidely going to be one of the coldest winters on record this year. say what? *sigh* i was really hoping for a mild one, given the arrival of a newborn and all. but according to the meterologists, most of montana and wyoming will be slammed with the usually more northern arctic fronts coming down from the great white north. honestly, last winter was long enough so i am having a hard time imagining what this might entail... other than an extended vacation in warmer climes! those of you in the south might be getting some visitors come january!


Nanny said...

Come on...would love to have you ALL!!! Hope this prediction doesn't prevent me from getting out there for the big arrival. Loved every minute of your visit home. Unfortunately, I picked up the "bug" along the way, too. But at least I haven't got to get on a bike tomorrow. XOXOXOXOX

Mikko said...

If you speak with Phil tonight, please let him know I'm on his tail, and will enter 2010 with him.

Isabel Aven and Sylvia Harper said...

i'll pass the word along mikko!

nanny, it just means you'll have to pack some extra sweaters ;-) they didn't say much about extra snow... and you can still fly even if it's really cold!

Frogs Mom said...

Coldest winter? Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Gramma / PopPop Schneider said...

Sorry to hear you are under the weather. Wow, it gets cold early in WY. Hope your germs don't last long.... GO PHIL GO ! xoxoxo