Monday, September 22, 2008

dinner with isa

we thought it was time to take a little break from all this home improvement business to share an isa video. she has been quite the trooper with all of this chaos! really, we couldn't have asked for more from her over the weekend... she was content and happy and rolled with all the punches (like super late bedtimes, odd nap times, insane noise, etc). so this evening we all enjoyed a nice dinner of pesto with chicken (isa's favorite!) and some toddler conversation. of course when the camera came out, most of that conversation stopped. but she still managed to amuse us none the less! enjoy!


Nanny said...

OH Goosey, I miss you so much. That pasta looked so yummy. You'll have to get Mommy and Daddy to cook some for me when I come out in December. Continue being a sweet girl while the bathrooom gets done. Talk to you soon. Love and hugs to you all.

Isabel Aven and Sylvia Harper said...

goosey says: don't worry nanny, we have alot of pesto frozen in the freezer! and if we can just find the time, we'll pull up the rest of the basil and make more before the frost gets it all!

Gramma / PopPop Schneider said...

I can't believe how much - MUCHO - she is talking! WOW - One day - all of a sudden she is going to say a complete.... run on... lol
Love to all ... love the video.... thanks! xoxoxoxox

O.Shane Balloun said...

She's so cute when she speaks!