Tuesday, November 11, 2008

trudging along...

that's the best way to describe this household lately! after a four day hospital stay, i am back at home and feeling somewhat better. isa is glad to have me back, so that counts for something! mr. mom did a fabulous job while i was there but i am sure he's glad to be back to work too ;-)

not much else to report, just trying to get well, stay well, and get everything done that needs to be done before the newbie arrives. need less to say, the list is very long and growing by the day. sheesh.

on another note, the big girl bed transition has gone rather seamlessly! isa hasn't woken up during the night any more than she might have in her crib. naps are just as hit or miss as ever, but really they are still just fine. sometimes she sleeps like a log for 3hrs, sometimes she lays in her big girl bed and looks at books and talks to herself for a while. overall though, it's been way easier than we thought it might be! what a relief! we hope to move the crib out of her room this weekend, to make space for a nice little reading and play space for the goose. since the baby will be sleeping in our room for a while, we didn't see any need to have the crib in isa's room for now. hopefully this will help her get used to the idea of having to share it eventually as well. we'll have big girl room pictures as soon as it's all ready!

in the meantime, that's the scoop from here.

1 comment:

Gramma / PopPop Schneider said...

I know you are glad to be home, but try to take your time... one thing - easy thing a day. You need to lay low until birth day ! New baby birthday. We love you glad you are home! xoxoxo thanks for the update.