Thursday, July 3, 2008

CSA summer...

vegetables? we got your vegetables! last fall we signed up for a summer CSA share here in town. CSA stands for "community supported agriculture" and is a system that allows people to buy shares of produce from local growers. it's a very brilliant, yet basic system, that helps support local farmers, cuts down on fuel consumption, and provides healthy (often organic) food for communities. this is our first year taking part and our first weekly pick up was today. it's gotten off to a late start this year, due to the cold spring, but we are excited to take part. given the climate, the first few weeks consist mostly of greens and radishes and herbs, but come august production is in full swing and the baskets will be overflowing! we are actually splitting our share with friends, being that we are a small family and would have trouble eating all of it ourselves-- especially with our own garden. so there you go, a little summer goodness! let's hope isa gets back on the veggie train soon, because there will be alot to eat!
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1 comment:

Nanny said...

YUMMMMMMMM...looks good and healthy to me.