Thursday, July 10, 2008

july. blah.

well, it's officiall july. and officially hot. and the mommy is officially pregnant. isa and i went for a short walk this morning and i'm not sure who was going to melt first. atleast she had a sucker. and i was the dummy who was drinking *hot* coffee. bright idea huh? another good idea... some new shorts. since i am officially pregnant (and past the "too many donuts or pregnant?" stage), all those super cute shorts i bought early in the spring just don't quite fit anymore. sigh.

speaking of pregnant, the littlest baby is now 17 weeks old in utero. almost half way there! woohoo! assuming s/he cooperates, we'll know if it's a pink or a blue on august 5th. anybody wanna place bets?


Sophia Janet said...

Hmmmmmm, my bet is on another beautiful little girl. It's tough though, I can honestly picture either one. What do you feel it is, Blair? So far has this pregnancy been about the same as your first? (I should probably just email you, because I have tons of questions)

Isabel Aven and Sylvia Harper said...

good question kristin. at first i was totally convinced it was a boy. but lately EVERYONE is telling me it's a girl, which is making me doubt my intuition! and phil thinks it's another girl too. so now i dunno anymore!

although if the difference in this pregnancy from the last were any indication... it's a boy. it's been night and day different (in a good way). way less sickness and fatigue, etc.

guess we'll see soon enough!

Misty said...

Um boy - no wait, girl. Okay, maybe boy - or possibly a girl! See - that's how a Gemini answers questions! LOL. Either way, I'm so excited for you to find out!

Emmie Grace said...

were betting baby kisses on a boy!!! we have two girls, now we need one more boy grandchild to make it even. hope you are feeling you said, you are halfway there!!! any names come to mind yet???

Floaterie said...

maybe if you make your way to me when you go to NY, I can put my hand on your belly and summon the Gods to tell me.....

;-) I am actually 10 for 11 these days.....=)

Gramma / PopPop Schneider said...

either gender is going to be "grand" with us... We just don't wanna know...... Hope you have that fan goin' and the cold wash cloths for your tummy/chest... always helps... a run through the water sprinkler is always can't want to see you all.. love and kisses xoxox