Thursday, July 3, 2008

to the woods!

well folks, it's time to get out of dodge! as many of you know, this sleepy little mountain town turns to a patriotic war zone come july 4th. it's maddening and insane and we'd like to avoid it as best as possible. i suppose i should preface by saying that i do really like the big, bright fireworks that go poof. those are fine. but what i do not like are the screamers and M80s and blackcats being set off all through the night around here. where is the fun in that anyway? or in shooting pedestrians with bottlerockets (i do not exaggerate here. it happens.)? no thanks.

rant over. we are going camping instead! pregnant with a toddler and camping? yeah, go ahead and give us the parent of the year award or something. but we're actually looking forward to it! rest assured it will not be the "roughing it" camping of previous years, but will involve lots of pillows and down comforters and large cook stoves and maybe even some popsicles. stay tuned for pictures!

and happy 4th to you and yours.

1 comment:

Nanny said...

Go and enjoy the peace and quiet of the wilderness. I never liked
firecrackers either, so you come by it honestly. Happy 4th anyway...
and eat up when you get home. Those veggies look wonderful.