Saturday, July 19, 2008

mama duck

isa is starting to become really motherly with her toys and animals. she has taken a particular liking to the set of rubber duckies that arrived in the mail from her gramma and grampa. she likes to feed them, read them a story and then put them to bed in her crib. this morning she did all of those things, in addition to playing some music for them to dance to. to which she said, "mama duck. dancin!" all of this, in addition to the latest verbal leap, makes for amusement for all of us. i'll post later with some of her more humorous and sweet phrases that she surprises us with, but this morning's wake up conversation sums it up. i heard her jabbering around 8am and walked into her room, at which point she rattled off, "mommy! turtle jammies! kitty cat paci! banana please!" well, ok then... happy saturday to you too miss isabel!
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