Wednesday, July 16, 2008

impatience pays

or atleast i think so. sometimes.

we have a new ultrasound date for the littlest bean! to my surprise, radiology had a cancellation so we get to catch a glimpse of the little booger before the family reunion and mommy's nyc adventure! woohoo! it's scheduled for next tuesday at 10am.

i think i have devised a plan to spread the word (on pink or blue) without ruining the surprise for those (patient souls) who don't want to know. what if i divulge the news in the comments section of the post? that way, if you don't want to know then you just don't read the comments! you see, everyone wins... and the patient souls get to test their will power by not reading the comments for that post over the next few months. me thinks this might work well!


Sophia Janet said...

Whatever works, just so long as us impatient souls that you speak of can find out whether it'll be little bro or little sis that Miss Isa will be getting. Good luck on the ultrasound!

Isabel Aven and Sylvia Harper said...

as yes, i am one of those very impatient ones too!

aunt Kriss said...

sounds like great idea to me. I can assure you I'm not one of the patient souls who won't peek.
Speaking of NYC, I just got back Monday from a "girls' trip" there and had blast. Getting there and back was another story. I have decided that Delta is an acronym for Do Not Expect to Leave The Airport.Oh well the joys of air travel these days...
Hope you have a great time.
Aunt Kriss

Isabel Aven and Sylvia Harper said...

ohhhh, delta. how i loathe thee.

luckily i have a direct flight both ways from denver (oh the luxury!) so i suppose if i get delayed, atleast it's just me stuck on the plane (with ipod and eye mask) instead of me and a two year old right?!

Gramma / PopPop Schneider said...

Ok, then those that "know" cannot make comments in future comments. Does that make sense? lol - Blair and Phil did such a great job of covering before... I just want it to be a surprise. Can everyone understand that?? Please..... surprise me... An I promise not to peek at the comments when you post. I never found out what my Christmas presents were before time... and I feel the same way about this.. Pleeasseee keep the secret. Love to all xoxoxo. Good luck with the ultrasound...gramma & grampa

Sophia Janet said...

Blair, you will have to "proofread" the comments that people add, looking for giveaways. I know how airheaded can be, and knowing me I'll probably make some reference to the sex at some point in the future. Please don't let me be the one who ruins the surprise.

Isabel Aven and Sylvia Harper said...

kristin-- good point, i've been trying to figure this one out. being that the comments need "approval" before being published, i'll be looking them over... i just hope I don't blow it!