Saturday, July 26, 2008

flashback... saturday?

ok, this time we actually forgot. so here's a flashback saturday for ya, with isa at about 6 days old. she is actually sneezing in this photo, not crying, in case you were wondering.

tomorrow we're off to colorado, and then the mommy goes to nyc! so expect seldom blogging until we get back in about a week and a half. see you then!
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Sophia Janet said...

Have a great time in New York! I went when I was 4 months pregnant, and I have two words for you-- tennis shoes! Don't try to be cute, you'll pay for it at the end of they day. Travel safe!

Isabel Aven and Sylvia Harper said...

do flip flops count? 'cause that's just about the only thing i'll wear these days!

Nanny said...

HAPPY TRAVEL YOU 4!!!! Will certainly miss the blogs but look forward to new exciting "stuff" from NYC and the family reunion. Love to you all from Martha's Vineyard. Nanny